Amazingly, I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!
The rules of the liebster award are:
1. You must link back to the person that nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.
4. You must come up with 11 questions for you nominees to answer.
5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees. nominated me for this award, which I am very thankful for! If you don't already follow her blog then please go over and do it now!
- Why did you choose to start a blog ?
I'd read other peoples blogs for a long time and it was something I thought I'd like to give a go because I love writing and the things I liked writing about, people seemed to be interested in. Like Louise (from Sprinkle Of Glitter) says, it's like my own little slice of the web.
- What are your goals for your blog in the future?
I'd love to reach 50 followers and also make my posts more consistent.
- What is your favourite pass time ?
I'm not entirely sure I know what a pass time is, so this answer may not make any sense!! But I used to love going to visit this horse sanctuary (one of the World Horse Welfare's ones) with my Grandad when I was little.
- What do you want to be when you grow up ?
A nurse :)
- What is your most prized possession ?
Sadly, my phone.
- Have you ever been in love ?
At the time, I thought so. But now I'm not too sure!
- Are your parents separated ?
No although I'm not sure how much longer they'll be together.
- What do you want your viewers to learn from your blog/yourself ?
That it's okay to not follow the crowd, do your own thing instead.
- Favorite animal ?
- Your favourite quote ?
I have a lot, this isn't my all time favourite but "if you're going through hell, keep going", because it empowers me to keep sticking out the tough times.
- One word to describe yourself.
The 11 blogs I am going to nominate for this award are: (in no particular order)
The 11 questions I'm going to leave for my nominees to answer are:
1. How old are you?
2. What made you start blogging?
3. Would you ever consider doing you tube to back up your blog?
4. Do you consider your blog to be more business or pleasure?
5. What is your aim of your blog?
6. What are your favourite things to read about on other peoples blogs?
7. What is your favourite TV show?
8. Who is/are your favourite music artist or band?
9. What country do you live in?
10. What milestone are you currently working towards with your blog?
11. What is your job/ what job are you hoping to go into?
Once again, a massive massive thank you to the gorgeous Makayla for nominating me for this award, and I hope you guys all enjoy it as much as I have! Charlotte x